Here you will find all the companies with Hyvän Tekijät certification!
Sustainability is more than talk, it is concrete good deeds to ensure the sustainable well-being of the environment and communities. We want to encourage companies to do their part to ensure a better future, both in terms of green values and social responsibility.
Does your company do sustainability work? Contact Commu and make your good deeds visible!

Companies that have earned the badge

Logomo is a centre for culture, art and the creative economy, located in a former VR machine shop near the railway station and Turku city centre.

Tampere-talo-konserni is the largest and most diverse cultural and congress centre and event company in Finland in terms of programme, events and visi...


Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa
Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa means food, services and great customer experiences. We are owned by more than 220 000 customer-owners.
Check criteria for the certification
Giving your time for a good cause is one of the most valuable forms of helping. The Hyväntekijät Responsibility Mark is a way of recognising those companies that have done good and genuinely impactful things for the environment and communities in their sphere of influence.
Read moreRead the newest blog!
Why companies need to be part of the local community
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